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Editorial Maze Cartoons

Yonatan Frimer's Political Maze Series. 

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maze cartoon Lamborghini economy analogy

Maze cartoon of whispers in the dark about bombing Iran.

maze cartoon whisper on Iran by Yonatan Frimer

Maze cartoon of one person whispering to the other, "PSSST, Carl, I think they are going to hit Iran."
By Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution of Whispers on Iran
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Vacation Apartment
Safed, Israel

Mazes By the Dozen

 Click to view our other popular Editorial Cartoon & Maze

maze cartoon new start treaty by Yonatan Frimeripad by bill gates microsoftIran Geophysics, women cause earthquakes Eyjafjallajökull volcano in ice land europe ash cloud

editorial maze road to dictatorshipJFK vs Obama on NASAcartoon maze pope vatican
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Eyjafjallajökull volcano in ice land europe ash cloudcartoon maze of a can of whoop ass for Iranian regimemaze of obama change

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economy of greece maze cartooneditorial maze comic about arnold schwarzenegger and the new electric hummermaze cartoon new start treaty by Yonatan Frimer

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oecd hat feather in israelJames and David Cameronhow the tea party started mazeTurkey Fuel Rods to Iran Maze Cartoon
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Cartoon maze of Sarah Furguson taking a bribe from a trap. Week in the life of Helen ThomasMaze cartoon of lie detector and erdogan, sarkozy, netanyahu and medvedevShit my son calls a maze
Not the size of the maze, its the motion of the penArizona immigration laws maze cartoonMaze cartoon of erdogan on flotilla and armenian genocideMaze cartoon of gaza flotilla by Yonatan Frimer
maze cartoon of chemtrails vs kassams Yonatan FrimerMaze cartoon of sunni, shia, islam infidel.maze cartoon of Iran stuck between a rock and a hard place

maze cartoon of Iran bombed by sanctions. By Yonatan Frimercartoon maze of psychedelic hamas smuggling tunnel, by Yonatan Frimermaze cartoon of hizbullah wants israels gas
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maze cartoon of peace and war mongersmaze cartoon of sniper sanctions on Iranmaze cartoon of sr-71 blackbird spyplane

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maze cartoon whisper on Iran by Yonatan Frimer

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