cartoon of a predator drone in place as the border between the USA and
Mexico. Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Homeland Security chief Janet
Napolitano has confirmed plans for the
United States to deploy unmanned Predator drones to patrol the
US-Mexico border in Texas. The United States currently has four drones
patrolling the border with Mexico in Arizona and one in the northern
border with Canada in the state of North Dakota. Napolitano made the
announcement during a speech at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies.
Janet Napolitano:
"I’m also proud to announce today that the Federal Aviation
Administration has approved the use of CBP unmanned aircraft system
flights along the Texas border and in the Gulf region...These types of
flights aren’t useful everywhere, but in some places they’re part of
the right mix of infrastructure, manpower and technology that improves
border security."
Homeland Security chief Janet
Napolitano also unveiled new plans to increase government surveillance
along the border by developing a system to begin photographing the
license plates of every vehicle.
Janet Napolitano:
"We’re partnering with the Office of National Drug Control Policy to
implement Project Roadrunner, an automated license-plate recognition
system. Project Roadrunner was conceived to target both north- and
southbound drug trafficking and associated illegal activity along the
Southwest border."
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