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Editorial Maze Cartoons

Yonatan Frimer's Political Maze Series.

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human error in stock market maze cartoon

Maze Cartoon Obama sleeping and ignoring the polls:

Obama President Polls Maze Cartoon

Editorial cartoon maze of President Obama sleeping as a hot cup of coffee marked "Polls" is next to him and a caption that reads, "Wake up and smell the....."  Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

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This maze topic in the news:

Barack Obama Sees Approval Ratings Decline After Pro-Abortion Elena Kagan

Washington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama has seen has approval ratings decline in the aftermath of his selecting pro-abortion Solicitor general Elena Kagan for the open Supreme Court position. Obama's approval ratings are at one of their lowest points in the last month and heading back down to their health care-dominated levels.

The Rasmussen Reports daily shows 45%...(read more)

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Vacation Apartment
Safed, Israel

Mazes By the Dozen

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Obama President Polls Maze Cartoon

Maze Kong by Yonatan Frimer 2006
Maze Kong - 2006 Mazes Celebrity, artword, celebrities, portraits, famous,
Maze Kong - Created by Yonatan Frimer